if i think about it long enough every good memory turns into a stomach ache (2022)
oil on 4 cradled wood panels
80 x 80"
< go back
grim reaper (2022)
oil on wood
8 x 8"
____ like rabbits (2022)
oil on wood
20 x 20"
it's just my anxious avoidant attachment style I (2022)
oil on canvas
12 x 12"
it's just my anxious avoidant attachment style II (2022)
oil on wood
20 x 20"
filling my cup (2022)
oil on wood
8 x 8"
samsara (2022)
oil on canvas
20 x 20"
so many stars take care of me (2022)
oil and yarn on wood
24 x 48"
love and lice (2022)
oil on wood
20 x 24"